Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Secrets of a Confident Woman

Sitting across the School hallway, sipping up a coffee and watching snow outside the window, I scribbled these words in my notepad.

Life can be harsh at times. It will throw many bricks at you. How do you react to them? Complain about the wounds or use the same bricks under your feet and step up?

Love. No matter what happens, love unconditionally. Believe that you are loved. Your past can be your greatest educator. People in this world need love. They are void and empty inside. They are seeking for help. Be a soothing balm in this broken world because all they need is an act of love.

Smile, well that's all you need to carry with yourself. A confident woman always have her head held high and she has a smile as mysterious as Sphinx. Well, why is she smiling always? Doesn't she have problems? family? critics? stress? Probably all of them but your attitude will define who you are.

Positivism. Look at the mirror and call yourself beautiful. It doesn't matter what others think or what opinions they have about you. at the end of the day, your happiness depends on you. Being positive is a choice you make. If you choose to be happy, nobody can steal your joy. When situations are not pleasant, you may get stressed but think about this, what good can worrying do for you? Instead smile and talk positive over your situations. You have the power to be happy. Make someone happy who is feeling worse than you today. What goes around, comes around.

Refuse to live in Fear: Fear of future causes anxiety and depression. We all know that future is uncertain. It could be related to your job, school, family etc. Everything happens for good and for a reason. Believe in God who loves you and root yourself deep in the love of God and he will secure your future.

Refuse to Quit: You failed? So what. Get up and get back into the game. It's not over yet. Every failure in life is not the end. There is more to it. There is more to learn and improve on. Everything may not be perfect but you can make it perfect. Out of the ashes, beauty rise. You have the power to be successful. Do not give up on life yet, victory is waiting for you.

Stop comparing: You are beautiful. You are blessed. Comparison can ruin your life. there are endless things in this world to compare yourselves to. But you are unique. Quit comparison and believe in your own talents. All you need to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath and believe You are God's marvelous masterpiece.

Proverbs 31:25

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."  

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